Who's Who!

The Committee


Colin Wilmott


  • To manage the committee and general meetings: to ensure that the committee runs effectively as a team and is able to manage the running of the club.
  • Ensure committee members fulfil their responsibilities to the club
  • To conduct meetings in a manner that enables everyone to have their say and to move to a vote if necessary.
  • To ensure that decisions taken by the committee are carried out. Work with the Secretary in preparation of meeting agendas.
  • To represent the club and to promote the club to outside bodies, other clubs and to members: to act as a focal point for information and encourage participation in all club activities and events.
  • Ensure that the rules of the club and affiliated bodies are followed.
  • Liaise with the Club Secretary in preparing agendas, making sure that all current issues are covered
  • Ensure that the club has an appropriate up-to-date Constitution, Disciplinary Procedures as well as other formal club documentation
  • Liaise with the Treasurer to ensure that any financial documents are ready for meetings and especially the AGM
  • Ensure that all relevant documents are either circulated to participants in advance or are to hand at meetings
  • Be diplomatic and smooth over differences of opinion when they arise within the club
  • Make sure that necessary decisions are taken, moving to vote if required. If votes are divided equally, the Chairman may have the casting vote
  • Ensure that club races and club events are organised and delegate roles and responsibilities as necessary.
  • Summarise decisions and action points at the end of the meeting with the Secretary
  • Act as signatory for the club bank account.
  • Delegate duties as appropriate to follow committee members /club members/sub-groups

Shane Matthews


  • To plan and organise committee meetings and general club meetings. Inform Committee / members of meetings as relevant. Prepare and distribute meeting agendas in conjunction with the Chairman.
  • In a timely manner, write and distribute meeting minutes and action plan of the meetings held.
  • To organise the AGM agenda, related papers and committee elections and to ensure the relevant papers are distributed in advance in accordance with the constitution
  • Responsible for managing club charity nominations at the club AGM
  • Keep ‘safe’ permanent records (electronic) of AGM and committee meeting minutes and to ensure that the club constitution is up to date (up to date version must be displayed on the clubs website) and in force. (Check the status of the constitution and arrange for it to be displayed)
  • Ensure that meeting minutes (general and annual) are uploaded onto the member’s area of the clubs website, for transparency.(we do not currently do this - recommend we do)
  • Receive and process club correspondence accordingly, acting as the central point for all club correspondence and liaising with outside organisations
  • Manage general /annual meeting facilities and the booking of club house for events/seminars etc
  • Working with the Treasurer and Membership Secretary ensure registration with Affiliated Bodies as decided at the AGM and relevant payments made, also to apply to Welsh Athletics for club places at the London Marathon.
  • Apply for race licences for club races
  • Oversee the disciplinary and grievance process set out in the LFR Complaints and Procedure
  • Act as one of the club DBS verifiers

Allison Hughes


  • Bank account Signatory to the club’s bank account (with Chairman) and key point of contact for Lloyds
  • Custodian for bank statements, bank security device etc.
  • Maintain a cash book, detailing all bank payments and receipts including Square
  • Pay all bills on a timely basis via cheque, bank transfer etc, ensuring that all payments are supported by appropriate documentation (receipt etc).
  • Prepare a financial statement for  the AGM and provide updates to the committee as required.

Marc Cross

Mens Captain/Vice Chair/IT/Comms

  • Oversee all aspects of the Club’s training sessions including the regular Tuesday & Thursday night sessions and various other additional training sessions that may be held throughout the year
  • Act as Vice Chairman in the absence of the Chairman.
  • Act as RD for club events or appoint an appropriate RD
  • Make regular announcements on club evenings to keep the club members informed of events and other relevant information
  • Encourage all members to participate in club events and other running related events.
  • Assist in organising teams to participate in local, national or international races, relay events etc. for all levels/abilities,
  • Encourage participation in the GLCL and GL events.
  • Recognise particular achievements and make these known to all the club
  • Maintain a motivating presence, in person (at training nights, events, socials etc.) and via social media (Facebook, email etc.)
  • Uphold motivating communications to the club through a blog or other modern, social-media means
  • If no coach: Be aware of health and safety issues, ensuring that running is within a safe and appropriate environment, as per UKA guidelines; in conjunction with the Vice Captain, Chairman and the Secretary
  • Promote and encourage members to become run leaders and provide them with appropriate guidance
  • Maintain a Training Plan and encourage run leaders to undertake coaching qualifications such as LIRF
  • Encourage and welcome new members to the club including inviting new members to join the club’s social media groups and other apps.
  • Send ‘welcome’ email to new members
  • Administer the Club Championships including confirming the races, encouraging participation, maintaining a record of participation and announcing Championship winners.
    • Maintain the Club email mappings and be the point of contact for issues with the provider; in conjunction with the Chairman’s approval
    • Administrator for the Club Website; in conjunction with the Chairman
    • Provide input to the Chair on new software or products that could benefit the Club
    • Provide input to the Chair on technical issues and be a source of contact, helping resolve where able.
    • Keep backups off-line and online of Club photographs and important documents
  • Oversee social media content across all channels
  • Ensure website is updated with regular news content

Jo Paling

Sam Hancox

Ladies Co-Captain's

  • Oversee all aspects of the Club’s training sessions including the regular Tuesday & Thursday night sessions and various other additional training sessions that may be held throughout the year
  • Act as RD for club events or appoint an appropriate RD
  • Make regular announcements on club evenings to keep the club members informed of events and other relevant information
  • Encourage all members to participate in club events and other running related events.
  • Assist in organising teams to participate in local, national or international races, relay events etc. for all levels/abilities,
  • Encourage participation in the GLCL and GL events.
  • Recognise particular achievements and make these known to all the club
  • Maintain a motivating presence, in person (at training nights, events, socials etc.) and via social media (Facebook, email etc.)
  • Uphold motivating communications to the club through a blog or other modern, social-media means
  • If no coach: Be aware of health and safety issues, ensuring that running is within a safe and appropriate environment, as per UKA guidelines; in conjunction with the Vice Captain, Chairman and the Secretary
  • Promote and encourage members to become run leaders and provide them with appropriate guidance
  • Maintain a Training Plan and encourage run leaders to undertake coaching qualifications such as LIRF
  • Encourage and welcome new members to the club including inviting new members to join the club’s social media groups and other apps.
  • Send ‘welcome’ email to new members
  • Administer the Club Championships including confirming the races, encouraging participation, maintaining a record of participation and announcing Championship winners.

Shaun Styles

Mens Vice Captain

  • Assist the Captain in overseeing the aspects of the Club’s training sessions including the regular Tuesday & Thursday night sessions and various other additional training sessions that may be held throughout the year
  • Encourage all members to participate in club events and other running related events.
  • Help organise teams to participate in local, national or international races, relay events etc. for all levels/abilities,
  • Encourage participation in the GLCL, working with the Captain.
  • In the absence of the Captain, on club run night inform members of dates & details of forthcoming events
  • Recognise particular achievements and make these known to all the club, discuss with Captain
  • Maintain a motivating presence, in person (at training nights, events, socials etc.) and via social media (Facebook, email etc.)
  • In conjunction with the Captain, uphold motivating communications to the club through a blog or other modern, social-media means.
  • Encourage and welcome new members to the club
  • Support the Captain to maintain the training plan
  • Work with Captain to identify candidates for coaching/training courses


Ladies Vice Captain

  • Assist the Captain in overseeing the aspects of the Club’s training sessions including the regular Tuesday & Thursday night sessions and various other additional training sessions that may be held throughout the year
  • Encourage all members to participate in club events and other running related events.
  • Help organise teams to participate in local, national or international races, relay events etc. for all levels/abilities,
  • Encourage participation in the GLCL, working with the Captain.
  • In the absence of the Captain, on club run night inform members of dates & details of forthcoming events
  • Recognise particular achievements and make these known to all the club, discuss with Captain
  • Maintain a motivating presence, in person (at training nights, events, socials etc.) and via social media (Facebook, email etc.)
  • In conjunction with the Captain, uphold motivating communications to the club through a blog or other modern, social-media means.
  • Encourage and welcome new members to the club
  • Support the Captain to maintain the training plan
  • Work with Captain to identify candidates for coaching/training courses

Andrew Spencer

Membership Secretary/Welfare Officer

  • Update (weekly/monthly) and maintain an accurate record of club memberships; club subscriptions and members WA affiliations where applicable
  • Keep an up to date database of member’s details for the current year
  • Respond to requests for information from potential members (via email and social media)
  • Assist potential members wanting to transfer to/from by providing documentation to support the transfer
  • Update the Committee regularly with membership numbers and members’ contact details when/where applicable
  • Initiate  payments promptly for new members to enable them to claim subsidised race entries
  • Issue renewal notices to members at year end and chase non-payers
  • Act as one of the club DBS verifiers
  • Ensure that any members in roles requiring DBS clearance are up to date and valid, advising the committee and member when renewal is required
  • Maintain the WA Portal with required details
    • Respond to any safeguarding concerns or issues that arise in a confidential and sensitive manner
    • Promote the safety and wellbeing of all vulnerable adults in accordance with the safeguarding policy and procedures
    • Report to the Committee on safeguarding matters providing advice as appropriate
    • Be visible and approachable to all club members and that members are aware how to contact the WO with concerns
    • Be familiar with the club’s policies, for example the social media policy, and deal with any welfare issues which may arise.
    • Deal effectively with breaches of the codes of conduct, poor practice or allegations of abuse including liaison with the HCAF officer or statutory agencies if/when required.
    • Maintain confidential records of reported safeguarding concerns and action taken (new one from EA, makes sense I suppose)
    • Attend the relevant safeguarding courses required in role of WO and keep up to date with developments in safeguarding (from EA)
    • Complete a criminal record check through the England Athletics procedures (EA required, you have both done)

Gaynor Watkins

Welfare Officer

  • Respond to any safeguarding concerns or issues that arise in a confidential and sensitive manner
  • Promote the safety and wellbeing of all vulnerable adults in accordance with the safeguarding policy and procedures
  • Report to the Committee on safeguarding matters providing advice as appropriate
  • Be visible and approachable to all club members and that members are aware how to contact the WO with concerns
  • Be familiar with the club’s policies, for example the social media policy, and deal with any welfare issues which may arise.
  • Deal effectively with breaches of the codes of conduct, poor practice or allegations of abuse including liaison with the HCAF officer or statutory agencies if/when required.
  • Maintain confidential records of reported safeguarding concerns and action taken (new one from EA, makes sense I suppose)
  • Attend the relevant safeguarding courses required in role of WO and keep up to date with developments in safeguarding (from EA)
  • Complete a criminal record check through the England Athletics procedures (EA required, you have both done)

Committee Members

  • To attend and contribute in Committee Meetings
  • To assist in the running of club races and events as required.
  • To support the Captains and Vice-captains in maintaining a motivating presence, in person (at training nights, events, socials etc.) and via social media (Facebook, email etc.)

Coaches & Run Leaders

Leaders in Running Fitness can deliver a safe and enjoyable running experience for young people aged 12+ and adults of any ability. They're able to assist in risk assessments, warm-ups, cool downs, and how to lead fun running sessions for a mixed ability group of runners.


Andrew Spencer

Run Leader 

Marc Cross

Run Leader

Colin Wilmott

Run Leader

Shane Matthews

Run Leader

David Brown

Run Leader

Allison Hughes

Run Leader

Gerard Gormley

Run Leader

Rob Bickel

Run Leader

Shaun Styles

Run Leader

Paul Mason

Roles & Responsibilities.docx